Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Candidates versus Buttertarts

I went cooking crazy this week, getting ready for a winter that's going to mean a lot of frozen dinners at my house. Starting next month, on the three nights a week that I'm at the curling rink, feel free to drop over for dinner- I can guarantee you'll get either squash soup or chicken pot pie. I've made about a thousand batches of each for re-heating through the long months when I'm not going to be at home to cook.

I feel a bit like a pioneerwoman, putting up preserves for the winter. I also managed to bottle up all tomatoes from the backyard, using my mother's 'tomato squeezer'. (it's really just a juicer, but a very cool kitchen gadget, with lots of power and noise!) I'm not sure if the juice will become pasta sauce or Bloody Marys. I guess that will depend on how well I do at the rink...

Sadly, I will have no time to hold on to my championship at the Collingwood fair when it comes to butter tarts. I simply ran out of time yesterday, and today, instead of baking, I'll be at the all-candidates meeting at the Legion, trying to figure out who to vote for in the local election.

I will also gather sound so you, too can hear from the candidates - on my talk show. So if you're baking instead of attending, be sure to tune in tomorrow and Friday for the candidates for council, and Monday for the candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
97.7 FM or

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