Friday, July 20, 2012


I got in trouble from a listener this week. Well, a former listener, apparently, who says she has switched away from my station, 97.7 after I gave away the ending of the first of the 50 Shades of Grey books.

I have apologised and assured her that there are two more books in the series, so I didn't really wreck it. I don't know if she's back with us but I hope so.

I'm in good company in the spoiler world, apparently, as David Letterman seems to have given away the ending of the new Batman movie that opens tonight. Earlier this week, Letterman joked with Anne Hathaway after giving out the spoiler, that he'll wait to see whether what he revealed will have an impact on ticket sales.

I'm pretty sure it won't. It's not like it's the Sixth Sense, where the whole point of the movie hinged on one key fact not revealed until the end. I would give it away but I've learned my lesson.

Here's the thing - would you stay away from the theatre if knew what Letterman said? I doubt it. Just like I doubt my upset listener put away her copy of Fifty Shades when I gave away a piece of the plot.

I would be willing to bet that finding out what happens to Batman at the end of this series won't affect even one movie-goer.

Fifty shades isn't about the ending- it's about the sex scenes. Batman isn't about whether Bruce Wayne lives or dies, it's about blowin' stuff up, the gadgets and holding on for the ride.

And even if you find out how this Batman ends, there will be another one someday soon, and movie industry experts are estimating about a billion reasons to make it.

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