Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wrong Side of the Bed

When was the last time you had one of 'THOSE' days, when everything you touched turned to crud, and you started off the day in a bad mood even before things started going sideways?

I'm having one of those days this week.

It's not waking up on the wrong side of the bed that's making me cranky, it's a confluence of news items that's annoying me.

My questions swirl:

Why would anyone kill a US diplomat sent to Libya? Surely even crazed mobs must know Libya is not the place where anyone with any real influence would have been sent. Further, surely even a crazed mob might know that since the guy was in Libya, he probably didn't shoot or produce the very badly made movie poking fun at Mohammad which ostensibly began the protest. Well, actually, the movie didn't make fun of Mohammad, but did address that The Prophet, (peace be upon him) married a nine year old, which I'm sure was fun for no one.

Why do so few people appreciate the irony on display by the Republicans in the US? The party goes on and on about the evil of government control of the markets but advocates government control of women's bodies. Surely they know they're being just like the Taliban on women's issues, the very group they want to spend increasing amounts of government money to fight. Jonathan Swift could have done no better, and yet no one is laughing.

Why can't teachers in Ontario just accept their 30 percent worth of wage raises received over the last eight years from the 'education premier' and be grateful? Surely teachers know that the people who still have jobs this year didn't get a raise for most of the last eight years? Surely they know the average Ontario teacher takes home pay that is more than double the national average? Further, why isn't gratitude on the list of fuzzy 'character' attributes they're supposed to be teaching?

Why would a town councillor bother wasting even one breath to ask about public consultations when they know darn well the outcome, not only of any complaint but also of any consultation that is scheduled? Seriously, if you know of even one 'public consultation' where the plan being put forward for a quarry, a school closing or a casino changed one whisker of what was planned, please let me know. I dare you.

See? Cranky!

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