Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Review: Skyfall

I can't stop gushing about the latest Bond movie. It was just about everything I wanted to see, including, you know, a plot.

Let's not kid ourselves, there have been a few of the 23 movies in the Bond franchise over the last fifty years that were a little bit, shall we say, um, thin, in the plot department. Oh, they blow stuff up real good, but I have often been disappointed when it comes to character development and believability

Not this time.

There's still lots of blowing up stuff and the requisite great car chases, but there's also a plot that can be followed, and dare I say, sensitivity in this particular Bond, plus a little bit of back story not only for Bond, but also for the arch-villain.

I didn't think Daniel Craig was good-looking or suave enough for the part the first time I saw him, but he is rapidly becoming my favourite of the boys who have taken on the iconic character, in spite of the fact that he holds his arms funny when he runs.

My very favourite piece of this movie (and I'm not giving anything away): the Moneypenny reference. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I teared up when they blew up the Aston Martin. That car's a work of art!


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