Friday, October 12, 2018

Voting Starts Today

Thanks so much to all of you who have met me at your door, at the candidates' events or who have sent emails and notes and otherwise expressed interest in your local democracy!

Voting is underway as of today and continues for the next ten days. We'll know shortly after 8pm on Monday, October 22nd, who you've chosen to represent you at the council table for the next four years.

I'm happy to serve and if I'm on the team you pick, I'll work hard to represent you. We will not always agree on the decisions I help make, but I can promise I'll listen and vote based on facts to help make our town even better.

I'm especially happy to have had the support of my tiny terrific team. I did not ask for donations and I did not ask for volunteers, but I gratefully accepted all that was offered in the way of help. I am proud to say that every sign on a supporters' lawn was put there by request. So, I'm confident my support is spontaneous and authentic, just like me!