Tuesday, January 5, 2010

December 30, 2009- Tough Choices

It’s been a rough few days, as I do battle with the plethora of choices facing me for my leisure time. Will it be the latest in the Outlander series, the vegetarian screed, the children’s book or the Stephen King?

My Christmas wish list included basically nothing but books this year, and the people who knew the list (read: my sweetheart and his mother), were very generous. I have to be careful with the Diana Gabaldon; it’s so heavy, I think I’m going to break a wrist as I heave it into bed each night. I also have to be careful with ‘Eating Animals’, apparently, it’s pretty convincing, and I don’t really want to become a vegetarian. I do want to hear the argument, though. As for the children’s book, it’s one I loved as a kid, but I couldn’t remember its title until earlier this year, when listening to a podcast from NPR, and an author who had put together a compendium of the best kids’ books, and it was on the list! The Devil’s Storybook is so fun, and just exactly what its name would suggest. My favourite is about the guy whose ashes get mixed up with a pig’s, and he spends hundreds of years with a pig is glued to his side down there in hell. So funny and silly, I highly recommend it. As for the King, I’ll have to be careful I don’t become too interested in his work. This book is ‘On Writing' and is either a guide for would-be writers or a series of insights into the minds of the writer. It comes highly recommended, but I’m afraid of being too interested, since I’m scared of King’s work. I read two of his short stories once and didn’t sleep for a week.

So, the next few weeks could well be spent timetravelling,becoming a vegetarian, in my childhood and afraid. Whew!

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