Sunday, August 26, 2018

Learning, learning, learning

I am certainly learning things in the several weeks since I registered to be a candidate for Collingwood town council.

For starters, I've learned what great friends I have! The image on the side is not only my first look at some of my campaign materials, but the canvas bag was a gift from a lovely couple I know, who said I was to use it for - wait for it- canvassing!

My friends are not just sweet - they're funny, too! Other friends have sent money. I didn't ask, they just sent it, which is great since my little Scottish heart has trouble asking for anything.

I'm running my campaign within my means, the same way I will vote to run the town's finances if I get elected. So, you won't see masses of giant signs all over town. I am spending what I can afford, and I don't have big backers, just concerned and helpful people who also want the best for our town.

I look forward to meeting you at your door, on your street and anywhere else you want to talk.

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