Saturday, May 28, 2011

Running Trap

It's amazing how supportive people are once you set what appears to be an impossible goal.

The last running I did was when I got a bad batch of shrimp, if you know what I mean, but I, in a fit of family togetherness, recently suggested to my sister in law and niece that we run a race together this year.

Her response was not the derisive laughter I was prepared for.

Nope, she promptly registered for the Blue Mountains half marathon in October, signed up my brother and niece into the 5K and said, "Get training!"

I'm not even sure I can do one K, much less 5, not to mention "the half".

Now, my buddy who already runs marathons has offered to go shoe shopping with me and re-do my toes once the nails inevitably fall off.

Another girlfriend is dropping off a podcast of circuits and timing etc., to help me with my training. She, too, is going to sign up for this thing and bring along her daughter.

It's turned into a 'thing'. The only one laughing is my husband, who says this will serve me right, and no, he's not joining me on the trails.

I'm trapped! There's no way out now.
I have to get off the couch.
And I just bought a big bunch of Blockbuster's inventory, too, dammit.

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