Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cleaning up the puppy

My dog loves me. I can tell by the fact that if I go from one room to another, she's right there behind me. Even if my sweetheart is cuddled up with her on the couch, she leaves the room to be with me.

If I dash into a store and leave her in the car, she howls like I've taken one of her paws with me, stopping the noise only when she can see me returning.

She also sleeps in our bed (not great for spontaneous romance, let me tell you..), sometimes right under the covers and as she settles in, she is nearly always in bodily contact with me in some way, often with her chin draped across my knees, ankles or waist.

Now, you might think her devotion is about food, but I'm not the one who dishes out her grub- that's my sweetie's job. However, I do offer the thing she wants most in the whole world: exercise. She's a Weimaraner, and Weimaraners need a LOT of running. To get her enough exercise, I used to wear rollerblades while she ran, which was exhilarating but terrifying as she pulled me along at about 40 kilometres an hour. During those runs, I unknowingly taught her to stop with one word when I would pull her to a stop at each intersection, tugging at the lead and saying, "whoa, whoa, whoa..." One day, while walking on the trail, I said, "whoa," and she stopped dead in her tracks. Cool!

The problem with my darling dog's devotion is that she's disconsolate when I'm not around. We crated her for several years but I got so sick of cleaning up the blankets she ripped to shreds, we eventually put the crate away and have given her the run of our newly dog-proofed house.

But you can't dog-proof for pee. Nearly every single day, I come home to a puddle in the front foyer. Which would be fine if we had linoleum or tile, but we have hundred year old maple, and I'm worried the boards are not going to make it to a hundred and one. At first, we thought it was that she was being left too long, but recently, I forgot something not five minutes after we'd left, and the puddle was already there.

I'm running out of patience, and newspaper.

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