Sunday, October 16, 2011

Race Day

Happily, my only goal for today's Blue Mountain Half Marathon 5K is finishing the damn thing. Hopefully before dinnertime. I have no illusions about my speed; my biggest goal being to make a memory with my niece, nephew, brother and sister in law.

Oh, and not to freeze to death or drown.

I'm SO glad the rain got itself out of its system yesterday and Friday because there really is nothing worse than running in a pounding rain.

While I've been getting ready for this event for several months now, the last few days' lead-up has been a bit anti climactic. My darling dog got suddenly sick a week ago and the very people I was using this experience to bond with have announced they're decamping to Australia, so the race began to pale somewhat in importance. The move to OZ also puts my dream of 'running race as family tradition' on hold.

All that said, there's been more gained from this experience than I intended. I started a journey to bond with my family and instead have found a sport I complain about but love, or at least, have become somewhat addicted to. I certainly feel strange and lethargic if I don't run on schedule.

It's not going to snow or rain today. I'll get to wear my new long-sleeved shirt with the cool, look-at-me-I'm-a-runner thumbholes in the cuffs, and I'm making at least one memory with my beloveds. I'm down 22 pounds and my legs have never looked better or felt stonger. All in all, I'll label this a win, even if I finish dead last.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! You sure made us proud, you worked hard and stuck to your goal. You are a hero in your big (well tall, skinny) niece's eyes!


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