Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drama Class

What do you do with information that comes to you, information you didn't ask for and can do nothing with, but which floats around occupying space in your head?

I'm sad to report I let it float and occupy, but happy to say I don't try to make dramatic hay from it. At least not any more.

In the last while, information has come to me about a couple of people who are no longer in my life. The thing is, the news about them has inserted them back into my consciousness. It made me wonder, briefly, if this news I've received is the universe telling me I'm supposed to be reaching out to them. There was a time I would have interpreted the information I've received as a sign, a need to made a grand gesture that might satisfy my need for a little drama in my life.

Here's the thing about signs: if you want to see them, they're everywhere.

Example: Andy Williams died last week, crooner of Moon River. I have been re-watching Sex and the City episodes, and the very day Andy Williams died, I happened to be watching the episode where Big moves to Napa, and plays none other than Moon River, even leaving behind the vinyl album in his massive apartment for Carrie to find. That very same night, on Glee, Rachel's every move was shadowed by an orchestral version of- wait for it - moon river.

That's got to be a sign, right? But of what? It was a full moon, my husband was fishing on a river this weekend.... Oh, I know! It means that just when you think you're getting a sign from the universe telling you to do something that could lead to a big dramatic event, it's time to start thinking.

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