Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Requiem for a Run

It's not just this blog I abandoned a few months ago.
I haven't been quilting or doing calligraphy or working in the garden or doing much that's very useful, for quite some time.

I blame Netflix and Mother Nature.

House of Cards, Happy Endings, Downton Abbey, My Boys, Mad Men, The Newsroom, (OK, that was borrowed from a friend...) House of Cards again, Portlandia and now, Bones plus movies and documentaries and TED talks galore: these are things that have occupied a lot of my non-working, non-sleeping moments for the last five months or so.

I have a huge cupboard full of movies, several bookshelves full of terrific novels and non-fiction works along with a tall stack of books I bought with my "Christmas money", but there's something about the Netflix that draws me in, day after day.

I don't want to be one of those tiresome and pretentious people who says they don't watch television, but I will say Sweetie and I haven't had cable or satellite television for nine years. We were over-the-air analog with about seven channels and now, with the digital revolution, we're down to three. No hockey, no baseball, no reality shows, not at our place; it's news and Netflix, and my house has never been dirtier or my running shoes so abandoned.

Because of my addiction to the tube and the snuggly blankets on the couch, I will have a painful, embarrassing and sore Sunday morning in Toronto.

In a reckless fit of optimism in January, I signed up for the Sporting Life 10K, a road race down Yonge Street. Not only did I sign up, I convinced my running buddy to come along.
AND I was doubly optimistic and signed up for a faster corral than last year, thinking I might improve my time from last year's race.

But I wasn't counting on the coldest winter in memory. Last week, there was still snow on the trail I run - yes, last week!

So, spare a little pity for me, even though it's my own fault that I will be puffing and huffing and wanting to die on Yonge Street Sunday, and likely a very sorry girl on Monday.

I'll recover with the rest of season three of Portlandia.

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