Wednesday, September 5, 2018

First day at your door

I just have to share this, and I know it's going to come as a surprise: I'm a bit chatty!

I spent my first broiling hot hour campaigning door to door yesterday and I didn't make it to nearly as many homes as I expected, because I got talking to some pretty interesting people! I heard stories about grandsons who have hockey scholarships, former politicians who cussed at their constituents and got re-elected anyway, and I got questions about whether I can hold my own at the council table against 'all those men'. Well, anyone who's heard me yell for sweeping at the curling club knows the answer to that one!

I sure hope I make it to your house to hear what you have to say about the future of our town and what you'd like to see happen next. I want to hear your stories, too!

1 comment:

  1. Hold your own against 'all those men'? If I were a betting person, I'd put a fiver that the women will outnumber the men at the table after Oct. 22...


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