Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010- Dear Editor

Now, I'm not the editor of a newspaper, but I still thought I should share this letter to the editor with you after it arrived in my email box:

Dear Editor,
My boss is really great, but some people seem to have forgotten it. I worry for my company because so many people have had nasty things to say about my boss.

Do those people really think they could do a better job? ha! Fat chance.

People who think my boss shouldn't have their job as my boss are just plain stupid and mean. Furthermore, people who disagree with anything my company does are stupid and mean and they take up valuable oxygen that could be used by other people, people who agree with us and what we're trying to do, which is make the world a better place for everyone who agrees with us.

In sum, my boss good, everyone who doesn't agree, bad.

Yours respectfully,
Cordelia Fitzgerald.

1 comment:

  1. Are you bucking for a job in a constituency office?


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