Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010- Not Really Spring Cleaning

If it rains tomorrow, as it is scheduled to, I have an inside job all ready to go.
I'm going to tackle The Beast, the beast I call Wedding World. WW lives in my basement and has done so since we moved into our house six years ago. Six or seven shelving units filled with miscellaneous things, mostly kitchen-type stuff received as wedding gifts, things that have not yet made it into circulation in the house. They're just.... well.... not our taste. (is that a polite way to say ugly?)

It's been, yes, six years. But while we really could use the extra space, we can't just throw out the items in WW, or sell them at a yard sale; that would be plain wrong. They were heart-gifts: carefully chosen by people we cared enough about to invite to Our Big Day. Furthermore, I know if I had a yard sale, somehow the gift-givers would show up, especially the givers of the very ugliest gifts.

It's terrible having this kind of guilty conscience. Even though I suspect one particular box of kitchen storage boxes was actually a regift, unless the other tag is actually in there, I can't tell and there it sits, accusingly. These items are occasionally moved around within the basement, although, generally just to the other things around them, the ones I actually use and, well... like.

So this weekend, since I can't bring myself to part with these tactile pieces of affection, Wedding World is officially being moved to another corner of the basement. Where at least I won't trip over all that love.

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