Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010- Yesterday

I suddenly understand what those geezers are getting at when they're quoted in those 'married 50 years!' news articles saying, "It seems like yesterday". I've always thought it seemed like yesterday to them, because, well, they've been married fifty years and their memories might not be quite as good as they once were.

But if fifty years flies past as fast as seven, we're in pretty good shape to be those geezers.

It really does seem like yesterday we failed to plan out when 'the boys' would come into the church from the vestry and so Sweetie didn't actually see me stride down the aisle.

It actually seems like yesterday I was using my calligraphy pen to address envelopes for the invitations, oh-so-carefully lettering the paper that would be in recycling bins across Ontario mere moments after they were opened.

It sure feels like yesterday my sweetie was being given (given!) three fingers of scotch at a bar down the street from the fancy china shop in Toronto where we spent several hours picking out our 'good' china and crystal. He had collapsed on a couch and the server felt sorry for him when he discovered where we'd been.

It seems like yesterday I could fit into my wedding dress.

Thankfully, my feet are the same size and my very expensive wedding shoes will never go out of style. Wow, I'm glad I didn't pick white.

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