Friday, November 9, 2012

Random Kindness

I still have the bumper sticker I bought during my 'peace love and grooviness moonbeam mother earth save the whales birkenstock' years.

It's in a towel drawer in the bathroom, which is indeed a random place to store a bumper sticker, I know. Somehow randomness is appropriate for a sticker that reads, "Practice random kindness perform senseless acts of beauty".

I didn't put the sticker on my bumper because when I proudly showed it to a co-worker way back then, his response was, "Why not -consistent- kindness?" and since then, his voice asking that question is all I can hear when I look at the damn thing.

I still support the idea, but I think the groovy attitude it expresses would have to change if it were being handed out today.

It would more likely read, "Practice random kindness and be sure to post about it on facebook."

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