Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010- What's in Your Trash Bag?

What does a cancelled landfill project in Simcoe County have to do with the way you buy your cookies? Maybe more than might be obvious right away.

Site 41, the contentious landfill site in Tiny Township is a dead deal But the fight over it got a lot of people thinking about what we do with our trash and where it comes from.

Of course, we take not only trash but also blue and grey and green bins to the curb, But have you looked at what's really in your garbage bag? I'll bet you about 80 percent of what's in your trash bag is packaging.

Do your cookies really need a clear plastic cover, then a plastic-coated wrapper, followed by little plastic trays inside that hold the cookies in neat rows? Maybe not.

Whose problem is all that packaging? Should we subsidise the companies that make our goods by paying for the landfills full of the packaging, or, if they had to pay for its disposal themselves, would they find a way to reduce what they wrap around their stuff?

Those are some of the questions people in groups like Zero Waste are asking, and they're starting to get some interesting answers. They're groups who've spent time thinking about the garbage we make and how less of it could be put at the curb, if it never makes it to your house.They've been thinking and lobbying and pushing for several years now.
Legislation that's coming to Queen's Park in the next week might be a first step to shift the burden for things like packaging to the people who create it, so you might find site 41 and your Fudgeos to be more connected than you thought.

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