Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hunting: halfway there

A happy note about my 'hunting weight club': I'm halfway to my goal! Well, halfway to the number on the scale that I'm trying to get to, perhaps not so much when it comes to being able to tie my shoes without becoming breathless.

I've gone with good old-fashioned calorie reduction rather than carb-loading or carb elimination or whatever it is people do with gluten these days. I also eschewed food matching, the blood type diet, Zone, Palm Springs or whatever the hell is this week's fad. I went to a website that tells you how many calories a day you need to maintain a certain weight, put in my target weight, and I aim for fewer than that each day. I keep an .xls file of what I consume.

Eating less and doing more, funny enough, is working. So far, at least. A pair of jeans I wouldn't have even tried to put on seven weeks ago are only now slightly uncomfortable, and only for half the day.

Now, the question is, do I try on my wedding dress, or leave it on the hanger for a few more pounds? That was the arbitrary goal I set for myself when I started this exercise, after all: to be able to get back into that dress by Christmas.

Hmmmm. I tried it three pounds ago and was very disappointed. Maybe I'll wait for another three to disappear. Anybody know how many calories are burned in frustrated waiting?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariane: Which website did you use? I need to cut back the calories too!


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