Monday, October 25, 2010

A thoughtful voter's plea

I have a radical suggestion to make to you today, and I'm talking to you, Mister Know-it-all-sit-on-your-duff-complaining-about politics.

Please, Mister Know-Nothing, stay home today.
Please don't vote.

Oh, I know you've been hearing the stories of low voter turnout and what a tragedy it is for democracy when people can't be bothered to haul themselves to the polling station.

But I'd rather you take today off if you haven't done the work. By 'the work', I mean, going to an all-candidates meeting, talking to a candidate, listening to their platform, asking a question or two, that sort of thing.

I've done my homework, carefully made my choice and am hoping a group of thoughtful, well-intentioned, honest people will serve the town I live in for the next four years.

If you just show up and vote for the guy you're related to, the gal you bought your dog from, or the person the president of your ski club told you to vote for, you could very well cancel out my well-reasoned decision, and I'd prefer you not do that.

So, please stay home if you haven't been paying attention, stay home and don't cancel out my vote.
Or DO pay some attention- you can hear what each and every candidate in Wasaga and Collingwood has to say in podcasts on the website of the radio station where I work:

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