Monday, November 22, 2010

Rose Coloured Glasses?

November 22nd brings us stories every year about a late and lamented time in politics, when leaders were glamorous and people believed in ideals of government making lives better. It was a halcyon time before John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Or was it?

In 1963, humans hadn't yet set foot on the moon, and children were still crippled by polio. We hadn't yet heard of the 'invisible hand' of the markets.

Race relations were terrible; segregation was still in full force, and the book, To Kill a Mockingbird had been out for three years, but hadn't changed much yet.

A little band calling itself the Beatles released an album that day, in the UK and Canada, but they hadn't been heard yet in the US.

In 1963, the USA was involved in a disastrous overseas war fighting a near-invisible guerrilla army of insurgents. It wasn't going well and would only get worse.

As for fashion, 1963 was skinny ties for men and skirts for women-skirts that hit just above the knee along with twinsets and pillbox hats.

In 1963, there were only 6 teams in the NHL, The Toronto Maple Leafs played 70 games that season and went on to win the Stanley Cup, beating Detroit four games to three.

Ah, so I'll take the hockey and the fashions, but not much else, and I'll keep my laptop and Ipod, and hope we somehow get out of Afghanistan.

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