Friday, January 7, 2011

Farewell to The Streak

Finally, the streak comes to an end, and frankly, I'm relieved.

It's been a bit weird, not yet losing a single game of this curling season.

Every time I toddle to the rink, I think, "Is today the day?" But no, in each of my three leagues, my players just keep squeaking past, making their shots, pulling out win after win. It's been a bit surreal this two and a half months undefeated.

The hardest part is trying (and failing, according to my sweetheart) not to brag, as dearly departed Dad's voice rings in my heart with his life-long mantra, "Don't crow if you win, don't cry if lose." But honestly, a long winning streak is kind of cool, especially since I've never been known for any kind of athletic prowess.

Yesterday's defeat was not pretty, and at one point, I tried a 'Hail Mary' shot because, well, we were down by four and even if I made it, we would still be losing big, so why not practice doing something awesome? I missed, but it would have been amazing if I'd made that 8-foot angle raise to the button to sit two and set us up for the draw for three, don't you think?

In the end, our first loss (8-4) was to Joanne, very cool new owner of the Huron House on Pine Street. Hey, maybe there will be some free appetizers in it.

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