Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two Steps Back

Number One: I had taken some hope from the legal travails of one of the most powerful bankers in the world. If the word of a chambermaid would be taken in such a case, maybe, just maybe we were really getting somewhere.

But no, it turns out the chambermaid who made the allegations may have lied on her taxes, and may have at one point, been, shall we say, less than virtuous, so, the case has fallen apart. SO WHAT if the maid wasn't a perfect lady; that doesn't mean she can't have been raped. The two things have nothing to do with one another. Although it's an awkward analogy, if it's stealing when you steal money from a philanthropist, what's the deal here?

Number Two: Mayors of Toronto have been attending the Gay Pride Parade for 16 years now. This year, the conservative and corpulent Rob Ford announced it was more important to spend his weekend at the family cottage than to be in the midst of the flagrant nudity and silliness that comes with the event. It's an important symbol of the city's famous tolerance that the person elected to the city's highest office shows up for at least one Pride event. But Ford apparently doesn't see it that way. His approval ratings? Sky high.


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