Thursday, December 27, 2012

Review: Les Miserables

Never doubt the power of a story of redemption, well told.

At its core, Les Miserables, the classic novel, the stage show and now the latest film adaptation is about the power of true love. Agape love, not the romantic kind.

The final line is the most powerful: "To love another person is to see the face of God..."

Here's a hint about how good this movie is: my ever-indulgent sweetheart, who bought us the tickets and went to the show with me, and even thought to bring along extra tissues, spent much of the evening singing, "Look Down, Look Down... Don't Look 'em in the eye...." and only once asked, "Did they really have to sing every single word?"

I apologised in advance to the people sitting near me at the multiplex on Boxing Day in advance of the first scenes. I told them I would be singing along, and there was nothing I could do. I also apologised to my sweetheart for the sniffing and snuffling and weeping, of which there was PLENTY.

The film is practically perfect. Russel Crowe's singing leaves a teeny bit to be desired, and some of the closeups are, well, very close up, and maybe a bit too close.

But overall, Les Miz completely lives up to my very-high hopes: Anne Hathaway as the heartbroken Fantine, Hugh Jackman as the oppressed Jean Valjean, and even Amanda Seigfried (oh, I was worried about her) as Cosette, they were all brilliant, just brilliant.

I never do this, but I'm going to see it in the theatre again, because it will be far too long before the DVD comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it, have never read the book, always felt it probably a very close description of human misery for me to enjoy.


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