Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2010 - Review

I'm starting to question my loyalty to Team Jen.

I'm already planning not to see the Jennifer Aniston movie that opened this weekend, the one that has every tabloid screaming about her desire to have babies again. I just can't do it. I'm so sure it's going to be...meh. Just like everything she's done in the last few years.

Thus far, I've been unwavering in my support of "America's sweetheart" compared with that crazy, heroin-taking, blood-drinking, brother-frenching, serial-adopting cutter of a vamp, Angelina, but seriously, can't Jen just make one good movie, please?

Jennifer Aniston's string of less-than-moving movies is starting to make her co-stars less exciting, too. It's quite a feat to make Gerrard Butler and his awesome abs less than amazing, but somehow, Bounty Hunter managed to be equal parts lame, boring, predictable and dumb. And I watched it with a group of grown-up women- its target audience! There was not one laugh among us, not one! Sigh.

Just once, I want to see Jennifer Aniston and someone, anyone, in even one scene as hot as nearly any scene from 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'. I don't think it's too much to ask.

1 comment:

  1. ...and she's far from politically correct these days as well. Not that everyone needs to live and breathe PC all the time, but then again, not everyone is speaking to millions or constantly in the public eye. I'm thinking she regrets the "R" word.


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