Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27, 2010- Counting

I'm not going to harp on and on about the Hunting Weight thing. We all know there's little in this world more annoying than a recently converted dieter talking loud and long about their newly-formed and soon-to-be-abandoned habits.

However, two observations:

1: It is difficult to maintain a calm, cool and collected yoga-type focus-on-your-breath mindset while getting a face-licking from your dog. Especially while in 'downward facing dog' pose.

2: The McDonalds website makes you look through pictures of menu items if you're looking up nutritional information. Part of my little club thing is to keep a rough count of calories consumed, and yesterday, while driving to pick up my mother from her latest international adventure, I succumbed to the allure and convenience of the Golden Arches. When I went to the website later to see how many calories I had taken in (plenty!), I discovered that in order to count the calories in those fries, I had to search through pictures of each menu item, find what I was looking for, then drag and drop it onto a little virtual tray. Only once I'd put the item on the tray would a chart detailing calories, fat, sodium etc., appear. I suspect some serious psychology was employed in the design.
By the way, have you seen the Angus burger? It looks delicious!

1 comment:

  1. My nemesis is a large strawberry shake on a hot day .... but in order to have any balance, you can't eat for a day because it is about 1500 calories alone ( and not good calories ) ugh ... damn it.


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